zaterdag 31 oktober 2015

tbo 114 en atc 206

a very nice template this week from the bright owl.

en daarom heeft Carmele hem ook in t zonnetje gezet op onze club.
ik maakte er twee
I made two!

5 opmerkingen:

  1. Both are so different but wonderful! I like them both!

  2. Fabulous use of the template in two, so very different, way. I like the texture in the first one and the lacy look of the second!

  3. Erg verschillend en allebei mooi op de eigen manier. De tweede is mijn favoriet, daar kan ik lang naar kijken.

  4. Erie, they are both beautiful!!! I especially love the first tiel and the outer tangle that you used. Do you mind me asking what it is? I really love it!! Have a great week! :0)

  5. These are lovely! So very different from each other, too! You've used several tangles I'm not familiar with, and drawn them so beautifully.
